购买WIDAF认证 Opzioni

购买WIDAF认证 Opzioni

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The first part includes three sections, one dedicated to the mastery of business vocabulary, the second to grammar and the last to reading comprehension. The second part of WiDaF is dedicated to listening comprehension.


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Nous vous indiquerons sur votre convocation si vous passez le test sous format papier ou sous format digital, sachant que le test reste identique.

Con the second case, you dal vivo in one of the 49 French cities where WiDaF sessions take place more or less regularly. The number of sessions is not as wide Con other cities as Per mezzo di the capital.


The fifth exercise called Anzeige is also a text with gaps that needs to be completed, at times based on a photo. For each interblocco Per the text; the candidate has the choice between 4 words. WiDaF Section 2 : Grammatik (mastering grammar)

Pour convertir son score, nous vous fournissons une corrélation entre les scores obtenus et le niveau du CECRL.


KLUs represent the most prominent ways students use language as they investigate and explain phenomena, support claims with evidence, and share stories about their experiences.

Rapports d'activité Rapports sur l'usage des fonds Rapports de la médiation Rapports d'emeritoécution de la feuille de route stratégique Nos dernières publications Référentiel unique avec l’ensemble des niveaux de prise en charge des contrats d’apprentissage – Suite décret du 14/10/2023 (mises à jour des codes RNCP)

Apprenez de façon ludique l’allemand professionnel en suivant notre page Instagram : vous recevrez le mot de la semaine et d’autres exercices.

Optimally prepared with the WiDaF certificate course at iQ iQ Dialetto offers you the optimal preparation for the exam. You will acquire the necessary language skills Per mezzo di a targeted manner, which are aligned with the content of the get more info WiDaF exam. You systematically expand your German vocabulary and improve your reading and listening comprehension step by step.

The WiDaF exam takes the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire and has a total of 150 questions. It lasts about 3 hours and is divided into two major parts and four sections.

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